Food Service. The school maintains a school canteen that provides snacks and meals for students, faculty and visitors of the school. The school canteen also caters to the meals of the seminarians and students who take their lunch in school. It is equipped with TV audiovisual device for relaxation while having snacks or meals. The several rooms which composed the school canteen are designated to cater to the needs of the students, faculty, personnel and visitors. These rooms are:
a. Conference hall
b. Computer room
c. Multipurpose hall
d. Guest rooms
e. Rest rooms
Office of the School Registrar. The registrar’s office is a service unit of the school in the true sense of the word.
It attends to the needs not only of students but also of the faculty, personnel, parents, alumni and the public. Furthermore, it serves the students before, during and after their stay in the school from the time of application to admission, to every registration, through graduation or withdrawal from the school and even after they leave the school.
In general, the Registrar’s office screens undergraduates applications for admission, issues official Transcript of records and diploma, maintains records of students and in coordination with the school administration and other offices, registers qualified students and attends to preparations relative to graduation and promotion
The office of the Student Affairs. The coordinator of Student Affair assists the Principal on promoting the welfare of and maintaining discipline among the offices/units in charge of student services and welfare. These offices include Guidance Center, Spiritual Director’s office, Library, Medical dental Office, Organizational Offices, registrar’s office, Admission Committee.
Office of Guidance and Counseling. The OGC composed of professional staff assist every student in his/her personal and social growth. In the creative and optimal use of his/her potentials, and thereby assist the school in achieving and attaining the holistic development and formation of its students. Through the achievement of his/her goals, a healthier life is envisioned
The following services are open to all students free of charge
Individual Inventory. Comprehensive information about students is systematically organized and kept and is made readily accessible for quick consultations when student problems arise. All items are related professionally in the sense that confidential matters are handled appropriately.
Career information and Placement. These services assist students as well as graduates in course planning by providing key inputs in choosing a course for college education
Counseling. Individual or group counseling helps provide the student opportunity to express and clarify feelings, ideas, conflicts, plans, etc, affecting any or all aspects of his/her life-educational, emotional, social, personal-in a atmosphere of acceptance and privacy.
Testing. Closely related to counseling, psychological testing is held in the office which helps the student develop better understanding of himself/herself through an objective assessment of his/her aptitudes, interests, and personality. It also helps in diagnosing problems on study habits and regarding skills. The OGC also supervises test given to freshmen and transferees students. He supervises and coordinates the operation of Correspondence Center.
To have linkage with the students, faculty and personnel, the OGC is given the task to disseminate letters and communications of the school community.
Medical Services. Every student of the Lyceum of Aparri is entitled to free medical consultation in the school hospital. Students are entitled to a 50% discount in room accommodation whenever they are hospitalized.
A periodic medical and dental check up are also conducted and that the hospital extends free medication on EENT services to the public/community.
Spiritual Direction. The school has spiritual chaplain who takes care of student’s spiritual growth and direction. He conducts periodic retreats, recollections, and other religious activities involving students. He too, schedules first Friday mass, masses every month, daily masses for students and novena masses every week.
Group Encounters. Aside from one to one encounter in counseling, the office has been making use of developmental group processing. His office welcomes students, faculty, and personnel who come to seek spiritual advice and moral enlightenment.
Transportation Service. The school has acquired a school bus that transport students for field trips and educational trips with a minimal charge.
Security Service. The school maintains a 24 hour cycle of security. Security guards are stationed on posts where dangers may occur. They protect and safeguard the students inside the school premise.
Tutorial Service. The school through its academic personnel offers free tutorial and remedial lessons to students who find difficulty in their academic lessons. The process involved the recommendation of the Parent with the approval of the Principal. Tutorial service is held at the school campus during free time.
Student Insurance Protection. The school maintains an accidents, death and permanent disability insurance for each student with a premium of 40.00 per annum (subject to change depending on the agency). The student is insured for 24 hours in 10 months after paying his contribution.
Athletic Office. This office is the custodian of athletic equipment. Students and personnel can barrow athletic equipment on a specific time or during PE periods. It serves both the High School and College Department. Barrowers are responsible for borrowed equipment.
Research and Evaluation. This service is concerned with the systematic evaluation of the effectiveness of activities conducted by the Guidance Center.